
The National Military Academy

The National Military Academy of Afghanistan (NMAA) is an academic institution of the Afghan military that is located in Kabul, Afghanistan. It is a four-year military development institution dedicated to graduating officers for the Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Air Corps. The mission of the NMAA is to produce officers for the Afghan National Army that also have a four year college level bachelor’s degree. The academy is based upon the United States Military Academy at West Point.

All cadets who successfully graduate from the academy will receive a bachelor’s degree. Currently, degrees are being offered in English Language, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Management, and Law.

Military Training
All cadets will be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Afghan National Army in one of six basic branches: Infantry, Armor, Artillery, Combat Engineer, Logistics, or Communications.

Established                         February 2005
Undergraduates                  1502
Location                             Kabul, Afghanistan

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