
Karwan Institute of higher Education

Karwan Institute of higher Education is registered with the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan in the late 2009; it officially became a college or a university. Its founder is Sayed Javed Andish, who is also the head of Education Committee of Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries.

Departments and programs
Karwan University offers bachelors degree in BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration), Economics, Law, Political Science, and Computer Science. It also offers diplomas in Accounting, Executive DBA (Diploma in Business Administration), and Information Technology, English Language, literacy and Civil Engineering.
Karwan University under the title of Higher Education Institute of Karwan and its abbreviation is HEIK commenced delivery of Economics, BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration), and Computer Science, Law and Political Science undergraduate courses. Karwan University was helped by foreign educated afghan friends and well wishers interim of getting foreign recognition for this private university. Karwan has been registered with Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan.

Established       2008
Location           Kabul, Afghanistan
Nickname         Karwan University


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