
Afghanistan Communication

Afghannstan Communication
Communications in Afghanistan has dramatically increased since 2002, and has embarked on wireless companies, internet, radio stations and television channels. Afghan telecommunication companies, such as Afghan Wireless and Roshan, have been boasting rapid increase in cellular phone usage in the mid 2000s. In response to this Etisalat and MTN Group were launched in 2007.
The Afghan Ministry of Communications signed a $64.5 agreement in 2006 with China's ZTE on the establishment of a countrywide optical fiber cable network. The plan was intended to improve telephone, internet, television and radio broadcast services throughout the country.

As of 2009 there are at least 46 Internet service providers (ISPs) in the country.Internet in Afghanistan is also at the peak with 1 million users in 2009.The following is a partial list of the internet service providers operating in Afghanistan:

  • Danesh Net
  • Ts 2
  • GTSC
  • Insta Telecom
  • Neda Telecommunications
  • Bentley Walker
  • WafaNet Satellite Internet Systems

Afghan Wireless Company
Afghan Wireless Communication Company was started in 2002 by the visionary Mr. Ehsan Bayat, the Chairman of the Company, with a zeal to establish an Afghan company for the people of Afghanistan.

Post the conflict era, Afghanistan faced the uphill task of rebuilding itself, the first step was to build the communication infrastructure. Afghan Wireless promoted by Telephone Systems International was more than eager to contribute its share in this endeavour. Today the company stands tall with more milestones than it had initially planned to reach.

Afghan TV
Afghan television channels are a popular entertainment medium in Afghanistan, with a number of national broadcasting stations and international. In the country, some people watch TV via Analogue Terrestrial, but many people now watch TV broadcasts from Digital Satellite, giving them a choice of over 20 more channels.

  • 1TV
  • Afghan Entertainment Television
  • Afghan TV
  • Afghanistan National Television
  • Ariana Afghanistan TV
  • Ariana Television Network
  • Ayna TV
  • BTN
  • Hewad TV
  • Lemar TV
  • Negaah TV
  • Noor TV
  • Noor TV Afghanistan
  • Noorin TV
  • Payam-E-Afghan TV
  • Rah-E-Farda (Farda TV)
  • RTA
  • RTA Nangarhar
  • Saba TV & Saba World
  • Sada-E-Afghanistan
  • Sepehr TV
  • Shamshad TV
  • Tolo TV
  • Tolo News
  • Tamadon TV
  • Watan TV
Afganistan Radio
As of 2007, there are an estimated 50 private radio stations throughout the country. At least 5 are FM, 21 AM, and 1 shortwave (broadcasting in Pashto, Dari, and English languages). The following is an incomplete list of radio channels broadcasing from within Afghanistan:

  • Arman FM 98.1
  • Radio Afghanistan
  • Radio Aryana FM 93.5 Kabul Afghanistan
  • Radio Azadi FM 100.5 Kabul Afghanistan
  • BBC Radio FM 89.0 Kabul Afghanistan
  • Radio Spogmay FM 102.2 Kabul Afghanistan
  • Radio kILID FM 87.5 Kabul Afghanistan
  • Radio FM 89.4 Kabul Afghanistan
  • Radio Zala FM 89.2 Kunar Afghanistan
  • Radio Shaher FM 95.5 Kabul Afghanistan
  • Kabul Rock FM 108.0 Kabul Afghanistan

Media History
The first newspaper, Siraj-ul-Akhbar (Lamp of the News) in was initially published on January 11, 1906, with Abd al-Rauf as editor. After this first and only issue in Dari (Persian), its publication stopped. It was revived in October 1911 by Mahmud Tarzi, the editor and owner of the newspaper, who was critical of the friendship between the United Kingdom and Afghanistan. Mahmud Tarzi became known as the pioneer of Afghan journalism. In 1919, under King Amanullah Khan, Aman-i-Afghan (Afghan Peace) replaced Siraj al-Akhbar, serving as an organ of the government, while several smaller private journals appeared under different ministries.Along with these developments, Radio Kabul began broadcasting in 1925, which inaugurated a new era of mass media in the country.The 1964 Constitution of Afghanistan and the Press Law of 1965 provided for freedom of the press, within the boundaries of appropriate behaviour. The press was editorially independent from government but was instructed to safeguard the interests of the state and constitutional monarchy, Islam, and public order. Afghan journalism progressed and developed from the 1950s through to the 1970s, though it remained limited.
When King Zahir Shah's government was overthrown in the 1973 coup his cousin Daoud Khan, approximately 19 newspapers were shut down and media came under severe restriction, ending a period of relative freedom. The first colour television broadcasting appeared in 1978.The media fell into the control of Soviet influences during the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) from 1979 to 1992.

Afghanistan has a low readership of newspapers, coupled with the low 28.1% literacy rate.Many newspapers suffer some form of censorship and financial difficulty, often relying on supporters of President Hamid Karzai, or the former mujahadeen supporters of King Zahir Shah.The principal daily newspapers are the state-owned Anis, Arman-e Melli, Eslah, and Kabul Times and the privately owned Afghanistan Group of Newspapers which includes Daily Outlook Afghanistan (the first and the only independent English Newspaper throughout the history of Afghanistan) and The Daily Afghanistan in local languages of Dari and Pashto, Eradeh, Hewad, Ittefaq-e Islam, and Shari'at. The circulation of independent print publications has been confined primarily to the Kabul region.About 400 publications are now registered in the country.

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